Friday, February 14, 2014

Very Creative Cake

Beautiful Alaska With a Creative View And Showing us Nature Beauties 

Amazing Bridge

Amazing Bridge ? Can u Travel It ...Open to Know More 

Electric Helicopter Concept !

That's pretty cool, except they need to put up some bars or something on the sides. It looks to easy to fall out of.

Owl camouflage !

Sand Creation

'Bleeding'' is an incredible sand sculpture by Iscariath

The longest bus ever

Blue Love

Awesome sunlight

Monday, February 10, 2014

Butterfly kiss the sun

May the wings of the butterfly kiss the sun. And find your shoulder to light on. To bring you luck, happiness and riches. Today, tomorrow and beyond

Awesome charger

Puck-Sized Device Charges Your Phone With The Heat In Your Coffee

Smallest VW Bus in the world

The smallest VW Bus in the world

Family love

Two baby elephants hold each other's trunks as they run with the family. 

World smallest dogs

One of the smallest dogs in the world

Best Friends

If you are looking for a friend who is faultless, you will be friendless.


Transparent balcony

Transparent balcony on the 103rd floor of the Sears Tower in Chicago

Monkey Orchids

Ice creation

Life is short , it is true ~ 

This one photo make You smile

Ultimate lock!

Flying Caption

Mecca, also transliterated as Makkah, is a city in the Hejaz and the capital of Makkah Province in Saudi Arabia. The city is located 70 km inland from Jeddah in a narrow valley at a height of 277 m above sea level.

Awesome click

Man surprises his wife

Man surprises his wife on 50th anniversary by mowing a cornfield to look like their wedding photo.

Flying Capture

Beautifully Captured ! Airplane Take Off Shanghai

Amazing Book Art

Flying Peacock

Very Rare pic of flying Peacock

MOM is hiding the kid from the rain.

Awesome Food Art!

The Singing Tree.

The Singing Tree. The Wind blowing makes music Lancashire - England

Amazing ..

Do you want this in your house? 

Dog Sleep In train Seat

I have my upmost respect for this act of kidness to an animal!

Creativity with the Moon

Awesome Creativity with the moon awesome clicks by Arshdeep

Snow Fridge

When nature gives you 5 foot snow drifts, make a fridge.

stumbled on something hard

In 1978, children who were playfully digging in the garden of a house in Los Angles , stumbled on something hard. Their  discovery turned out to be a green Ferrari Dino 246 GTS ...

Super Click.

Marina Bay Sands Hotel Singapore ..